Monday, April 18, 2011


So I found this amazing new site called pinterest.  If you are like me any constantly putting images from the web on your desktop or in folders but then really bad at going back and viewing them, this is for you.  You can organize photos you have collected onto separate boards so everything is nice and tidy, but the best feature is that you have a button for your tool bar that you click when you are on a site and you want to pin a picture to your board.  You click the button it shows you all the images on that page and lets you select which one to pin and what board to pin it on.   This is the perfect solution for all my creative friends who can't get enough blogger eye candy!  Go sign up today, it is free but there is a little waiting list to get invited.  In the mean time peruse and feel free to look at my pinterests.


Tammy_Skipper said...

I just got invited to this in the last week, loving it so far but still forget to use it :)

Unknown said...

Just sent in my request!! Looks like LOADS of fun!!!!